Tag Archives: threesome

Mr. Too Much Information

There are a number of conversation topics that are absolutely forbidden on first dates.  And some of these topics are still forbidden on the second, third, tenth and twentieth dates.

Mr. TMI basically decided that he couldn’t wait to dump his entire life on my head… and he definitely concentrated on divulging the most the sordid bits.  Throughout the date, he alternated between the following topics:

  • his ex-girlfriend
  • his favorite swingers clubs in Paris
  • threesomes
  • the gory details about his most recent attack of hives
  • the pros and cons of sadomasochism
  • god, so much information about his ex-girlfriend
  • his thoughts on the brothels that he visited in Southeast Asia (for the record, I am of the Southeast Asian persuasion)

If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he was deliberately trying to sabotage the date.  Perhaps he was conducting a dating experiment, as I am doing.  Perhaps I have met my match in diabolical dating?

I’d like to know whether he is indeed a fellow date-researcher, but I’m not interested enough to sit through a discussion about the best way to maximize sadomasochistic tendencies.



For those who are interested, Mr. TMI did, at least, expand my vocabulary.

ménage à trois = triolisme [m.] (The French word for “threesome” is actually NOT “ménage à trois,”  which apparently has a different connotation in French.)

swinging – échangisme [m.]

brothel – maison close [f.]


Filed under Misters