Mr. Too Much Information

There are a number of conversation topics that are absolutely forbidden on first dates.  And some of these topics are still forbidden on the second, third, tenth and twentieth dates.

Mr. TMI basically decided that he couldn’t wait to dump his entire life on my head… and he definitely concentrated on divulging the most the sordid bits.  Throughout the date, he alternated between the following topics:

  • his ex-girlfriend
  • his favorite swingers clubs in Paris
  • threesomes
  • the gory details about his most recent attack of hives
  • the pros and cons of sadomasochism
  • god, so much information about his ex-girlfriend
  • his thoughts on the brothels that he visited in Southeast Asia (for the record, I am of the Southeast Asian persuasion)

If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that he was deliberately trying to sabotage the date.  Perhaps he was conducting a dating experiment, as I am doing.  Perhaps I have met my match in diabolical dating?

I’d like to know whether he is indeed a fellow date-researcher, but I’m not interested enough to sit through a discussion about the best way to maximize sadomasochistic tendencies.



For those who are interested, Mr. TMI did, at least, expand my vocabulary.

ménage à trois = triolisme [m.] (The French word for “threesome” is actually NOT “ménage à trois,”  which apparently has a different connotation in French.)

swinging – échangisme [m.]

brothel – maison close [f.]


Filed under Misters

7 responses to “Mr. Too Much Information

  1. So it isn’t a good idea to talk about brothels we have visited?

    • I suppose that in the rare event that you are mentioning the brothel to clarify where you contracted a sexually-transmitted disease, yeah, it’s LESS taboo. But then again, even if the woman has explicitly guaranteed you sex on the first date, it’s still very likely that she will withdraw this offer if you bring up that sweet little piece that you found at your favorite gogo bar.

      Although I can’t speak for all women, better to be safe than sorry, right? Good hunting, Inferno 🙂

  2. Oh come on you prude, there’s nothing at all wrong with talking about your favourite swingers’ club on a first date 🙂

    • I know, I know, I’ve become such a prude. Apparently, singlehood has thrust me back into the dark ages. I even have a titanium chastity belt à la Princess Bride… it matches so nicely with almost all my date outfits.

      • I say you try it out. I mean, if the date’s going that badly-might as well swap him out right?
        Besides nothing Mr TMI will have said at dinner will compare with whatever treats await you at a swingers’ club.

      • HAHA “treats.” It puts that movie “Eyes Wide Shut” in a whole other light now! In any case, too late for any further shenanigans with Mr. TMI; he was shelved ages ago. I actually pulled this post out of my folder of drafts… I was too lazy to post it directly after the date.

  3. Jennetta

    Triolisme? Seriously? No one says that! I’m french-canadian, lived in France for a year…never heard of it!

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